Skeleton Warriors fight as fast-attacking Skirmishers, sword and board Defenders, or scythe-wielding Reapers
Skeleton Mages unleash a litany of shadow, cold, and sacrificial spells
Golems can be specialized to the forms of tanking Bone golems, health-stealing Blood golems, and charging Iron golems
Explore 140+ Dungeons throughout the campaign and beyond, in versatile, procedurally generated experiences
Tackle Droves of Side Quests for even more ways to earn rewards while deepening the story experience
Defeat World Bosses by teaming up with other players to reap bonus treasures from these colossal demons
Liberate Strongholds that, once cleansed of corrupted demons and hostile beasts, become friendly outposts to forever alter the layout of the world
Join PvP mayhem within designated zones